Jordii W. lives in the ‘hood, and loves working with dogs! The morning pups are in for a treat… lots of treats!
Christine G. is hosting Scamps
Christine G. is right across the street and taking the scamps in for the night!
Rick O. – kingcrest dogdad
Rick Olmstead and his dog Teddy are around Kingcrest – and now they’re walking with Scamps
Loose, Leash, Love
Social skills take practice, and Scamps is the perfect place to practice! Today’s etiquette lesson: walking politely
Trim & Social: a club for dogs
Dogs are historically pack animals: they play and learn, and groom together. Trust builds among the dogs when they go for walks and that trust …
Dog-Friendly Art Show
Thank you for coming to our first community art party on Sunday, Nov. 19, 2023. Our friends and their dogs came to check out our …
Pearl C. and the boys are ready to board!
Hi! We’re a family of 4 animal lovers (+ 1 cat!) living in a house with a nice yard in Cedar Cottage. Our boys, who are …
Call for Submissions!
Submit your application to participate in our first community art show! Scamps is a neighbourhood pet place, and we LOVE East Van! The people, the …
Safe and secure walks
Being safe on walks… being prepared for emergencies
Anja O. – Boarding & Exercise
Anja has a sky-high home that accepts calm pups and gives them a place to sleep, with a killer view!